
Friday, December 26, 2008

Aircraft License & Ijazah

farhan zamlan bertanya

assalamualaikum ..

-jurutera kapalterbang perlukan ijazah atau tidak??
-lesen jurutera kapal terbang yang bagus perlukan ijazah ke??
-Apakah kelebihan seseorang itu dalam bidang ini jika dia berkelulusan ijazah??

Jawapan saya,

- Jurutera pesawat tidak perlukan ijazah, lesen dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Penerbangan selepas calon jurutera lulus ujian ujian tertentu, sila rujuk British Civil Aviation Requirement Section L Issue 13, Appendix 1, pages App 1-1 to 1-2 & M1-1 to M32-2 untuk syllibus peperiksaan jurutera pesawat. Sila rujuk AN No 5 untuk maklumat lanjut.

- Memiliki ijazah bukanlah syarat untuk menjadi jurutera berlesen jadi bagus atau tidak bukan persoalan

- Bagi anda yg berijazah itu akan lebih membezakan anda dgn jurutera2 yg lain, contohnya jika anda memiliki ijazah dlm bidang aerospace, penilaian anda terhadap masaalah pesawat mungkin lebih luas berbanding dgn jurutera tanpa ijazah, begitu juga jika anda memiliki ijazah didlm business admin, peluang anda untuk naik ke bahagian pengurusan akan lebih terbuka lagi. Anda boleh mengambil ijazah selepas selesai program latihan jurutera pesawat, tidak semestinya sebelum. 

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fuel Required For An Aircraft

AMZAR bertanya: salam.....saya berumur 11 tahun. Berapakah jumlah minyak yang diperlukan bagi sebuah kapalterbang?

(Greeting... i'm 11 years old. How much fuel required for an aircraft?)

My Answer,
Amzar, it depend on few things, size of and aircraft and also the distance that it will travel. For instance if we talking about B737NG (-600/700/800), the total fuel will be around 26000 litres to fill the tanks to maximum however if the distance intended for the flight is short, then less fuel will be taken for that particular flight. Less fuel mean less weight so more fuel will be saved instead of being burned unnecessarily.

Just for comparision, maximum fuel for B747-400 is 216000 litres & for Cessna 140 is only 80 litres.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Skills through knowledge

Krishna asked...

Hi bro,

I am new to this field and I would like to develop domain competencies and skills which basically require thorough knowledge. Could you give some suggestions to know all about Boeing 737, which I am working for a service industry.

Good websites, books..??!!

My reply..

Dear Krishna,

There is 2 website dedicated for B737, you can go through and have deeper understanding of 737 system description in details.

For the books, you can get some info from amazon, like this one Boeing 737-100 to 800 by Robbie Shaw

All the best.





My response is...

Thanks for the critics.. i'll improve myself... even my english is not good as u but i'm sure my attitude, willingness to try something new, manner and conduct is much better than u.. all the best

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Where To Start?

jaflus baharudin ; wrote:


i had read ur blog in the internet..actually i have a engineering backgroud with 3 years woking exprience in several field of works.
I'm now 26 years old and i have a passion tu have a job in aircraf but i dont know where to start.. it is relevant for me to apply this job?it is need any certificates or specific degree to apply this job.FYI i have a degree in elec engineering..


Helmi said,

To become a Licensed Aircraft Engineer you need to have a Licence from DCA (Dept Of Civil Aviation) which will give you a previleges to perform maintenance on aircraft and certify the legal document of the aircraft that the aircraft is fit or serviceable to fly.

The licence can be obtain my passing the examination conducted by DCA but to start from stratch you need to pass few modules before you get LWTR (Licence Without Type Rating) which is only a basic licence but no previlege yet for you to certify any aircraft.

LAE not only requires technical knowledge just by reading and memorising, it requires hand-on skills as well because in order to do the job or certify the job done by others (mechanic) you need to have the experience. One part of the exam by DCA is oral exam where your practical skills will be challenged.

At age of 26 it is still not too late for you to start, you can enrol UNIKL program to get the licence or apply for apprenticeship with MAS or AirAsia. Even if you start as trainee aircraft mechanic you still can do self study and once you gain the experience you can personally apply for the exam with DCA, get your licence and become an engineer.

Good luck.

PS: Whether you say you can or you cannot, both is right. - Henry Ford

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Inquiry About Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Khairul Nazmi Zainol Ariffin asked,

I have read your blog and admire your job as aircraft maintenance engineer.
I am 24 yrs old and have BEng in Electrical and Electronic. Is there any tips for me to become aircraft maintenance engineer?
Thanks in advance.

Helmi replied..

Anyone can become AME, what you need to do is find an organistaion that can assist you on getting licensed to maintain the aircraft like a pilot that have a license to fly an aircraft.

MAS training school, AirAsia do recruit trainee AME, MIAT in Sepang & UNIKL do offer course for AME.

Another way is get a job as aircraft mechanic with any aviation company, then do your self study to get the licence, to pass the exam you need hands on as well coz there will be an oral on job that you perform so reading the books only is not good enough..

Hope this will help..

Avionic LAE Blog & Engines Operation

tengku adnan tengku yahya asked...

First of all let me congratulate to you for such an informative website on As an aircraft maintenance trainee, i have learn a lot from your website especially on airframe, engines and basic subjects. I hope you can publish more informations that included in ATA chapters.Here I have a few questions to ask.

1. Is there any blog that conducted by Avionic LAE. Since I'm an avionic student, so i would to know about B737 avionics's work scopes and routine maintenance.

2. Can you please publish more informations regarding CFM56 engines. This includes maintenance, operations and not to forget engine ground procedures.

Helmi's answer..

Thanks for your compliment, i will try my best to keep more post for benefit of those who intrested in aviation especially B737

1. To be honest so far i never come accross any blog by avionic LAE, maybe you can start now and as you develope your knowledge, you can share it the rest of the world as well.

2. I already have few post regarding the engines, will post more later on.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Refueling Part 2

Arhur asked,

Helmis, This happen in Pucallpa, Peru, during a Boeing 737-200 refueling, as you explain, the aircraft system controls the max. level in the tanks, but there must be a pressure sensor as a safety device (pressure set a little more than 50 psi???) that delivers flow over the wing, when the tank is full… that right?? If the refueler delivers fuel at 50 psi, the aircraft system must stop the flow when it sense an excessive pressure in the line or when the tanks are full….the option to deliver excess flow overwing is a risk condition...probably on these old airplanes...or the new generation units have other system to avoid fuel spills in this cases?? Thank you, for your answer.

Flighteng replied,

Aircraft system only control the quantity, there is no control for pressure as far as aircraft system is concern. Take a loook at the refueling panel, there is a warning of maximum pressure allowed during refueling which is 55 psi, this have to be taken care by engineers who doing the refueling plus the bowser operator as well.

From 737-200 to classic and NG, the refueling system is almost the same, only improved instrumentation plus in NG you can set how much fuel in KG or LBs which it will automactically stop when it reach that level.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fuel Control In Refueling

Arthur asked...

Hi Helmis, could you give us some information about the fuel controls needed in refueling operations. In one opportunity I saw how fuel start droping overwing during a pressure it happens??....probably instruments misfunction on the plane…or human error by plane crew???.....does each tank have a safety pressure device that allows fuel exhaust when the tank is overfilled...or when the tank is completelly fueled the systems cut the inlet fuel from the refueler.

Engineer Helmi replied..
Arthur, where did u saw it happen? I just had an experience last week in Al Ain.

The fuel can overflow if automatic cut of function of fuel system failed to activate during refueling. It can be the maximum level sensor or fuel quantity processor failed to send a signal to refueling sitch to close the fuel valve.

Normally if it overflow, it is airplane system, it can be a human error if someone manually override the system and continually fill the tank which rarely happen. The refueler only pump the fuel to aircraft but the aircraft system that will stop the fuel flow when maximum or desired selected fuel quantity obtained.

Best regards